Chipotle Lime Aioli

Not sure why, but I’ve always thought a good aioli or sauce from a restaurant was something that would take too much time to recreate. I’ve often defaulted to buying whatever flavored dipping sauce/mayo/dressing etc. we could find at the grocery store if I wanted something more exciting than plain mayo. However, recently I discovered that it is much more simple than I thought to recreate these favorites right at home.

A local sandwich shop near our old apartment in NYC made this awesome sandwich that was simple yet delicious, and one of the things that always stood out to me was the lime aioli. I set out to recreate it, wondering how hard could it really be? Turns out aioli is just a fancy word that literally means garlic and oil (mayo) - and if you add some other words in front of it you basically have your recipe. SO EASY. I felt both amazed and deceived - this whole time restaurants have been serving up ‘fancy’ dishes with [insert word here - sriracha, chipotle, lime, lemon] aioli and I would go “oooo that sounds good and unattainable at home”. Let me tell you I’m never eating regular mayo on my sandwiches again. It’s fancy aioli time from here on out.

This whole story is longer than the recipe - check out the incredibly short list below. Hope you enjoy discovering how easy these things can be as much as I did.

75g Mayo (about ⅓ cup)
⅛ tsp minced garlic
Juice & Zest from half a lime
2 dashes of chipotle chili powder

Prep Time: 5 min.

Servings: 4


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl (or tupperware for easy storage and less dishes). Mix or whisk until free of any lumps.

  2. Serve on a sandwich, as a dipping sauce, or with any meal


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